Tafadzwa Chidawa, better known on social media as "Detective Kedha," has found himself in hot water once more. The self-proclaime...
Tafadzwa Chidawa, better known on social media as "Detective Kedha," has found himself in hot water once more.
The self-proclaimed private investigator, famous for apprehending thieves in Harare's CBD and his online show, was recently arrested.
According to reports, Detective Kedha was apprehended for allegedly impersonating a police detective and posting a video online featuring a woman he had "arrested."
According to reports, Detective Kedha was apprehended for allegedly impersonating a police detective and posting a video online featuring a woman he had "arrested."
From Viral Fame to Handcuffs: Detective Kedha Arrested Again! |
The details surrounding his case are unclear at this time, but he is expected to appear in court soon.
Social Media Divided: Shock and Disappointment
News of Detective Kedha's arrest has sparked a flurry of reactions online. Many social media users expressed surprise and disappointment, considering his past success in capturing suspected thieves and his established online presence as a private investigator.What's Next for Detective Kedha?
With his arrest, Detective Kedha's future remains uncertain. We will have to wait and see how the legal proceedings unfold and whether this is the end of his online detective work.Disclaimer: The information contained in this website is for general information purposes only.
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